Set the number of rows and columns. You can add or delete later . Clicking on the plus - - in the upper right corner adds a column , minus - minus -deletes a column . In the lower right corner of the press on the plus - - adds a string to minus - - deletes the row . Data when you delete a row or column will be lost !
To enter a new sign - click on the desired cell. It will turn red with a yellow border. Next click on the right way in the right table . Cell displays the selected key.
To remove incorrectly selected key double click on the cell , it must stand with the yellow border , and on a table with the key icon will be deleted. Click on the delete icon , cell cleared. To clear all the cells easier to use icon -- cleaning the whole area.
After adding at least one cell , above the table keys will appear to generate and download a document or image : - image format png, best suited for insertion sites and online diaries - pdf document is convenient for storage on your computer and print - json document useful for storing information about the scheme drawn